May 2012
Hi, So i have a blackberry curve 9300 and currently, i do not have data, but i do have social networking. I am located in the lower mainland, and i was wondering a couple things...
1) If i go to Victoria, BC, and leave my blackberry on, will i get charged for roaming data even though i do not use bbm or facebook? And if i do use them when in victoria, will i get charged for it?
2) Is Victoria considered long distance if i make a call on my phone to Vancouver? Will i get charged for it?
3) Will i get charged if i choose to text from Victoria, BC to Vancouver, BC?
***Edited to add labels***
Solved! Go to Solution.
May 2012
1. All use of your BB in Victoria will be considered local, unless you receive calls. Your phone number is a Vancouver number, so anyone calling you would make you incur long distance charges.
2. you can leave your social messaging on, as any messages like sms, fb, etc will be treated as local. This is because you are still in Canada. However, if you call your voice mail, it may incur long distance charges.
3. any texting you send or receive is not considered long distance anywhere in Canada. This may be how you want to communicate while travelling in Canada. incoming phone calls outside of your local calling will be long distance. outgoing calls will be treated like a normal local call (in the city that you are in. example: Victoria call to a Victoria phone number)
Hope that helps, cheers