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Refill online

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hi, I am a prepaid customer and wondering when the option of paying online will be available on full. I mean, it's 2020 outside and the options only paying with a credit card or debit card of just 2 major banks. I do not have a credit card and bank with the bank that is not on the list, going to the store to get a voucher sometimes is not an option. Why is there still no other banks or PayPal available?


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @DarK2


Welcome to the Community Smiley


We currently provide different payment methods as seen here. That said, not all options apply for Prepaid customers.


As you mentioned, you can refill your account by doing the following:


  • Using a credit card
  • Debit payment on using the Interac Online feature (note that is feature is not supported by all banks)
  • Adding a Prepaid voucher you've previously purchased.

In your case, the best way to go about it would be to purchase vouchers in store. These will remain valid for as long as you don't use them.

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

this wasn't really helpful. 

 I do online shopping using interac with my bank. This is not an issue of "a bank having no such option", this is an issue of "Fido website having a stupid payment system and not trying to fix it". 


P.S. no offence here. Just trying to point out some weak spots.