January 2023
In preparation for my business income taxes, I wanted to print out a summary of my cell phone invoices and payments for the year. Unfortunately, the FIDO help line told me that there is no way to do this; instead I'd have to download or print each monthly invoice. This is a tedious task/waste of time and I'd love to see FIDO update things so a 1-2page year summary is possible.
I agree - I need a concise record that lists what I've paid Fido for the year. Downloading Fido bills one-by-one is a ridiculous waste of time, and it's a real waste of paper to print them. Lots of other businesses, utilities and services offer a one-click download of last year's statement balances/paid. Please do this. Thank you.
Hello Minibee,
Welcome to the community!
As mentioned in my previous reply in this thread, Fido does offer a means to list payment history. That history lists concisely what you paid to Fido over the months. You should be able to view your payment history via your My Account --> My Bill. On your Bill Overview page, the option to view your Payment History is located under your Current Account Balance.
While there still is no option to download the payment history, you should be able to find the information you require there without having to download individual bills.
Hope this helps 😀
January 2023
Hello Beth6,
Happy New Year and Welcome to the community!
I understand Fido does not currently offer a summary of our invoices. However, I was able to get a list of my payment history. While not downloadable, you might be able to get a screen capture or cut & paste that information from the screen. You can view your payment history via your My Account --> View & Manage Bill --> Payment History. While the history listing is not extensive, it might prove useful for you.
**edit** You should also be able to download usage in Excel or CVS file formats if that is useful for your situation.**
Hope this helps 😀