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I want to pay but too many hidden charges. Now it is impossible to pay.

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

When I asked the Fido employee from credit department about any potential hidden charges and they said there is no hidden charges. But there were too many.... I want to pay back my overdue bill but they keep charging me NSF fees and two suspension fees and now those charges added up to 300 dollars on top of my overdue balance. I asked why Fido can suspend the service after they already suspended again. The answer is because Fido suspended my service due to unpaid balance and it was not voluntarily. 
it is not addressing my question. I understand it is your policy and it is my fault I did not read all the contract information, but there seems no compassionate measure in Fido unlike other companies. The person who dealt with me was so cold and ended chat without even asking. I was skeptical about using Fido because when I was with Roger I was charged with hidden fees too. this is just inhumane and it is really breaking my heart for trusting this company. I called the credit operation team but it says they are not taking any calls from me because of my account status.  just can't wait to cut any ties with Fido but feel trapped in this endless cycles. If only you could exempt some charges  I may be able to start paying but even the minimum charges are too high. 




Hey @Park3,


We're sorry to hear about your experience.


We don't want you to feel that way, and this isn't the type of experience we wish our customers to have.


When it comes to payments, the best way to discuss your options would be with our credit operations department directly. 


If you do need clarification or further help about your account, please contact us here, and we'll be happy to help.

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

My experience is also that Fido is very anti-human and arrogant, like they train people to treate customers unfairly. I stopped using Fido few months ago, and Fido sure gave me a super hard time for switching to another carrier, they kept harassing me and harassing me with unwanted phone called. when I delete my person info, I didn't realise they kept all my personal info in secret and kept calling, and emailing, I already removed my number and email, why they kept my personal info and kept harassing me? We live in a world human it is important to be a human. FIDO really in-human I hear you. I would suggest to consult some free lawyers and consuemr protection they are definitely doing things very sketchy.

Fido has been harrassing me by emails phone calls! Stop it! Have respect! Be a human! Have the least amount of humanity!