January 2024
For the longest time I've been getting texts from the number 93995. I ignored it thinking it's just another scammer. Today I realized that the texts has information about me that is correct but also sends other texts completly incorrect. The messages are always about my monthly bill that is due accompanied by a link to view my bill.
The thing is I get 2 texts a month. One mentioning an account I do have with the right amount for my bill, other with an account number I do not recognize with a bill amount much higher. I do not own any other fido products and have no clue how there is another account registered for me to the same number. How can I find out if it is fraud or there is actually another account registered my my number somehow?
January 2024
Hello Dirrox,
Welcome to the community!
That short code does seem to be legitimate. I believe it's related to Fido Customer Account Transactions (see here). That would be why one of your messages relates to your monthly bill.
With regards to the other message, it's possible someone has fraudulently created another line or service on your account. You should note this forum is community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. We would not be able to address your particular matter. You might consider contacting customer service to see if there is indeed another service linked to your account. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above. If there is another service on your account, they may direct you to their Fraud and/or Validation team.
Hope this helps 😀