August 2018
Right now my voicemail is transcribed to text and pushed to me as a text message.
I have been stuck on the same plan for 10 years because I'm told this feature is not available with all the current plans. I'm also paying extra to subsidize my original phone purchase 7 years ago.
I would like a new plan but I don't want to give up on having my voicemails typed out and sent to me via sms.
It's a very useful feature. I haven't had to dial up my voicemail in years.
Are there other ways to do this without giving up your privacy to some untrustworthy app developer? I see Fido has an app but judging from the reviews is extremely unreliable.
August 2018
Hello Chris-D,
As FidoCharles noted above, it appears you're referring to the Premium Voicemail-To-Text feature.
@Chris-D wrote:...I see Fido has an app but judging from the reviews is extremely unreliable...
Are you referring to Fido's Visual Voicemail Plus app? If you are, you should note that the android and blackberry versions of the app are no longer offered nor supported by Fido. They were discontinued circa 2015, however, some places might still have those versions available to download.
Hope this helps
August 2018