September 2023
I have been harassed for over 6 months by Fido and their credit collection companym, I had requested for Fido Modem in December 2022, The sales representative had mentioned that there will be no charges unless I plug the modem and use the services, I did not plug their modem and requested for a modem return shippping label which I received on August 16, 2023. Modem was succefully shipped to Fido, yet I have been asked to pay $336.90 for unused services that their sales representative initally mnetioned i won't be paying unless i plug the modem.
I am very fustrated and getting harrased daily from redit calls, please rectify this at the earliest.
Thank you,
September 2023
Hello Rhk_Winter202,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear of your situation. I do not know what was discussed between yourself and the sales representative. However, is it possible there was a misunderstanding?
Is it possible the sales representative was referring to their Satisfaction Guarantee?
~taken from link above
If you did not use any services and returned the equipment within the eligible return period, there would not have been any charges. On the other hand, it appears as though you kept the modem for at least 8 months which is beyond their satisfaction guarantee return period. I understand you may not have used the services. However, part of the Home Internet charges includes the rental of the modem. If you kept the modem for all of those months, I would imagine you would still be responsible for the charges by keeping it all that time.
I'm not sure whether a service can be considered cancelled or deactivated until they receive back their equipment. You can also view their Terms of Service.
I do not know the full details of the situation. However, it is generally not best practice to withhold paying your bills when disputing a bill. In doing so, you will likely incur late payment charges (see here). Further refusal to pay your bills may lead to your services being disconnected. In addition, unpaid cell phone bills may negatively affect your credit (see here).
You should note that this forum is community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. If you wish to discuss your situation, you would need to contact customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
Hope this helps 😀