January 2023
I changed my plan after financing a new phone which was a special offer through Fido. It's the same Data, Talk and Text but was a cheaper amount per month. I'm now being charged a huge downgrade fee and want to know if it's possible to still finance the phone instead of having to pay for it all at once now.
January 2023
Hello Livib,
Welcome to the community!
Unfortunately, I don't think that would be possible. Firstly, the fee you note isn't really a downgrade fee per se. It would be the remaining balance for your financed device. I understand you switched your plan to an apparently similar Data, Talk, and Text plan. However, if it was a special offer, it would likely have been a BYOP plan and not eligible for Fido's Payment Program. Incidentally, that would be the reason your Payment Program agreement was cancelled. You would have been able to switch to another Payment Program compatible Data, Talk, and Text plan without having to pay the balance of the device.
That said, you might be able to regain your old plan and financing. You should note, though, these forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. As such, we do not have access to customer accounts. If you would like to discuss your options, you would need to contact customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
Hope this helps 😀