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Changing Facebook accounts

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I signed out from facebook and then tried to sign in under another account id.  I get the message "The Facebook server is not able to handle your login request at this time.  Please try again later.'


When I try to login using the account id I originally used, I sign in without any problems.


What is happening.





Former Moderator
Former Moderator
Hello samsonsg303,

I would suggest that you try doing a battery pull and that you verify that both accounts are not linked to any phone number.

If that doesn't help, if you are accessing Facebook via an application, you may try deleting that application from your phone and adding it again.

Finally, should you still experience this situation, I would have to refer you to Facebook directly so that they can look into it for you.

Let us know how it goes!