My name Skliar Serhii.Account number 976193623. Last month I corrected my bill and blocked the phone number that was a spare, I don't need it, I also blocked access to the tablet because it is very expensive. I did all this in Fido. The bill for last month was fully paid. But this month I was again billed for 3 numbers, although I only have one!!!!! Why does Fido bill for something that does not exist!!! Please send me an answer to my email, correct the bill!!!!!!
Hello Serh,
Welcome to the community!
Firstly, you should note that this forum is community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. We do not have access to customers' accounts nor would we be able to address your concern. In addition, since the forums are public, it is generally not recommended to provide personal information like phone numbers, email addresses or account numbers in the posts. You might consider removing those items from your post. You should be able to edit your post using the circled down arrow in your post.
You should also note that Fido does not offer customer services via email.
That said, I understand you may have blocked the phone number and access to the tablet. However, post-paid services would continue until you actually cancel the services. If you had not cancelled the services through Fido, those lines would still exist. As far as I am aware, cancellations can only be done by calling them:
You may cancel any or all of your Services and any corresponding Agreement at any time by calling us...
~taken from Terms of Service; section 2e
If you wished to discuss your situation and cancel those services, you would need to contact customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
Hope this helps 😀