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I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Just wondering.. how long will the $39 smartphone plan be offered to customers? Is there a deadline at all?



***Edited to add labels***


I'm qualified level 3
I'm qualified level 3

I am wondering this as well...usually in the See Details sections on the Plans page it has a date but just says Limited Time Offer.


I have a related question seeing as I am considering switching to this plan as well. I am currently in a 2 year agreement with a $25 grandfathered plan with a monthly recurring credit of $5 on my account (I took a monthly discount instead of a new phone). If I switch to the new $39 plan, will I lose my monthly credit?

Former Moderator
Former Moderator
Hey Federico and Nick Smiley

We do not have a specific end date for this promotional offer, I apologize.

And Nick, as per our PMs, yes, the credit would be lost during the plan changes.

I'm qualified level 3
I'm qualified level 3

The current double your minutes offer with Standard Plans came out the same time as the $39 Smart plan ends April 30, 2013. I'm willing to bet the $39 Smart plan expires April 30 as well. Just an observation.