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Unprofessional services by fido agent

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

My name is Appulingam Loganathan. I have placed an order for home internet service. When I place the order I told the agent I puechased the house and I am moving on December 28, 2020 and I need the internet from December 28. But he has shipped the modem to the service address eventhough I didn't move to the house.

I receved the bill for $46.35 on December 12. I called them and waited for 45 minutes get the person on telephone line to answer my question.  The gentleman who answred the phone said he can give $20 credit. I told him I didnt move to the house yet and I orderd the internt from December 28, why should I pay for it. He said modem is activated. I asked who actvated the modem even the modem box not opend yet. He said Fido activated. 

So I asked to cancel the service. He sent the modem return label and I sent the box through Canada post. You can chek the box any pack is opend or you can check the usage of internet during the period.

Mistake done by order took agent but customer has to pay for his mistake. 

I request you honour office to inquire into this case grant me the relieve.

Thank You

Yours truly

Loganathan .A




Hello to the both of you!


Welcome to the Community. Very_Happy

The Home Internet service is indeed activated when you receive the modem, as the monthly charges begin a few days after the modem's shipment (or the day it is picked up in store).


This is so you can benefit from a self-install service and start using it as soon as you receive it!


That said, if you wish to discuss any charges on your bill that you feel are incorrect or charged before you received the modem, you can contact us so we can go over everything.



Sorry to hear you decided to cancel the account, @fgsr !


Have you received your final bill with the adjustments yet?

You should be credited on this invoice for the days the account was no longer active.


Let me know. Smiley

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Good luck with that.

The modem comes activated and you pay from the day you called in, it's fact with Fido. And they dont care if you call ahead on the time and tell them to send the modem a specific day, it doesnt work this way with Fido, they will activate the service the moment you call and you give them the card number. You can keep the moden in a box as long as you want but you will pay for the service. Lesson learned.