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Stuck move order

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

My move order has been stuck for days now, and was promised a follow up call today which never came. I tried to contact live chat and is on hold for over an hour so gave up. 


Can someone please contact me to get this resolved... worst is when I am told all I can do is wait and without knowing until when...


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hello @ST172,

Welcome to the Community!


If you need help with your account, feel free to reach out using these methods

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I have been on phones and live chats with your agents, bit it's still not resolved. I have also been waiting for a supervisor to get back to me, again still waiting. I am so afraid to call or initiate a live chat again as my experiences have been at least an hour wait before someone picks up or replies. 


My last call with an agent this afternoon was there's nothing they can do except for me to wait.. my order and case is in pending status for days, while when I check online it says there's an issue processing my order. 

There are others than calling to contact us over as provided in the link above. 


Has this been resolved since yesterday? 

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Order when through and service address changed, but still no internet. Have been on the phone waiting for someone to pick up for 1.5hrs already...crazy

Waiting is definitely not a fun experience, we hear you! This is a busier than unusual period because of our promos, but rest assured that we're committed in doing everything that we can to help everyone as fast as we can.