January 2024
Hey hope someone can help!
I thought my payments were auto depositing they were not and now my account is suspended. I paid the balance but unsure of how long until it takes affect to restart the service.
Any help would be great thanks!
January 2024
Hello OConn,
Sorry to hear your services have been suspended. However, you should note that this is the community forum and not intended as a venue for customer services.
If your services were suspended due to non-payment, you will likely need to contact their Credit Operations team to have them remove the suspension. In addition, you should note that there will likely also be a fee to restore your account (see here).
If you wish to discuss the matter you would need to contact customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above. Though you would still likely need to contact the Credit Operations team to remove the suspension.
Hope this helps 😀