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60 Mbs Home Internet

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hello all,

I have a 60 mbs down and 10 mbs up fido home internet. Problem is that after a day or two the download speed falls down to 30 mbs and upload stays at 10 mbs. After i reboot the router everything is back to normal. The 60 mbs keeps dropping and a reboot of the router seems to fix it over and over again. Have any of you experienced this before? I feel like im getting ripped off and i do not want to be rebooting my router on a daily basis to have the 60 mbs.



***Edited to add labels***


I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1
@MrDejan, Does this happen to all downloads or just specific websites? Are you connected over wifi or wired? If it occurs via both connection and on all downloads, I suggest contacting support to check your modem line stats and profile. It's odd that your modem will drop to 30mpbs. Typically for connection issue, speeds would keep dropping to single digits.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3
This is a test i do from my phone through an app Its a wifi 5G connection.

Hi @MrDejan!

Welcome to the Community!


Can you do a speedtest through a computer once you're connected to the modem with a wire? 

A lot of things can impact the speed when it's connected over Wi-Fi. 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3
I have tried to do a test with a computer thats wired and the results are way better. Seems like wireless can drop anywhere from 10 to 30 mbs compared to a wired connection.

Not applicable
It sounds like if your download speeds using a wired rj45 cable are acceptable and roughly what you subscribe to then. Its likely nothing wrong with your modem and highly unlikely that your provider can do any thing. I do not know any provider in north america which guarentees wireless performance. Wifi is an open band meaning the providers do not own the spectrum. There are also other factors such as the wifi card in all your devices may have an older standard and the most likely cause is interference and congestion.

As @Anonymous stated if the speed test via cable to a computer is what you should be getting then your connection is fine and the problem is the WiFi and alot of factors can contribute to bad speeds via WiFi. The distance between you and the modem walls in a house and your neighbours WiFi can cause problems if everyone is on the same channel it can create alot of noise and make your signal weak.


I use an app on my phone called WiFi analyzer to help me figure out the best channel to set my modem on to get the least interference.


@MrDejan You said the speed goes back to normal after you reboot the router are you using your own router connected to the Fido modem or are you connected directly to the Fido modem?

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3
There is only the fido modem. One wired device connected to it and rest is all wireless connections.

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @MrDejean,


Do the speed test results vary from one wireless device to the other? Also, how many wireless devices are connected at the same time?