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unfortunately we cannot complete your call as dialed

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I am not able of make or receive calls from my fido number. This problem started occuring today only. unfortunately we cannot complete your call as dialed.

I am using Samsung Galaxy s20-5g. Help resolve this issue asap.


This is the what I hear when I try to call "unfortunately we cannot complete your call as dialed "


I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

unfortunately we cannot complete your call as dialed

I have yhis problem right now how to solev it


Hey @Amitverma1305


I'd like to ask you a few question so we can try and figure out what's going on. 


1. Can you please tell me if this is occurring with all of your contacts, or only specific ones?

2. Are you still able to send / receive text messages and use mobile data?


I would also recommend to simply try to turn off and on again your phone if it hasn't been already done. If you have another phone available, you can also try your current SIM card in it to see if you can replicate the issue. 


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Thanks @FidoAllan for reaching out back to me. I already called the Fido Mobile Support, they did the server reboot which resolved the issue. Thanks Again!


The problem was occcuring for all the contacts but the messages and mobile data were working fine.

Hey @Amitverma1305,


That's great! We're glad that this has been resolved. 😊🙌