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I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hey guys! I currently have an iPhone 4S and I've been looking to upgrade to an android since I only have one year left of my contract. I've talked to two Fido representatives and they have told me their concept of "upgrading" if for me to pay the full price of buying out of my last year of my contract, and then signing a new contract and paying the regular contract price for my desired phone. This does not make any sense and defeats the purpose of what they call "upgrading". Can someone please fill me in if they have heard differently and haven't had to buy out of their contract!?



***Edited to add labels***


I'm qualified level 3
I'm qualified level 3

The rules changes since you last got your 4S. There is indeed no concept of 'upgrading'. The idea now is to pay the remaining subsidy of your phone, terminate your existing contract, and sign on to a new contract.  In your case with in old contract. The end contract fee is really what Fido says on their computer. New contracts you just pay the balance of your subsidy.


This change was made around June 2013

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Fido just lost a customer who was with them for more than 6 years then. Makes no sense to why they would do this, if I buy out of the 1 year left of my contract, they have NO levredge for me staying with them. This is why I'm leaving Fido and choosing a company that logically thinks about the effects desicions (like fidos idea of upgrading) can have on a student with little to no income. HOPE A FIDO REPRESENTITIVE SEES THS!

I'm qualified level 3
I'm qualified level 3

Not trying to defend Fido, but most carriers in Canada have made this change, so in theory you will be treated exactly the same way as Fido no matter which carrier you switch to.

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Also, keep in mind that these are the rules that the CRTC has given to all the canadian carriers, so Fido is actually doing what they have been instructed to do in terms of upgrades.