September 2012
Im 1500 in reservation number any chance ill get one day one? I asked a reprasentative they said the number was nation wide is this true?
***Edited to add labels***
September 2012
@hiimbob That is the golden question, I wish I knew. I know that rogers customers who had a list number under 1000 already have their iphone 5's "in process"(status). The representative is right, your number is nation wide.
September 2012
thanks i feel better that its natiowide ben becuase i live in a small town and thats be ridculous for our population
September 2012
It must be nationwide for Fido reservations only because I'm #3 for a white 64gb which I reserved just before 7 pm on the 14th.
February 2015
Hello everyone!
Although this thread is quite old, I'd like to add a little update since I came across it .
For more details please visit Fido Reservation System on :
Hope this helps.