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Home phone sound problem

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi, i have a constant sound problem with my residential wireless phone. The modem is ZTE and next to a window. The problem is the other person on the line hears me loud, high volume, with a bit of echo and delay. I cannot find any solution to turn the volume down on my side, so that they will hear me with a normal volume sound, adding to that the echo. Someone knows why and how we can solve this? Thank you.


I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

It seems a lot of people are experiencing this... I have the same problem where people say they can't hear me properly and there is so much static. I dont seem to have any problems with the volume just static and not clear sound. How can i fix this???

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @JCobra,


Can you let us know if you already tried the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this thread or if we already exchanged the modem for you?



I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

hi, no i never received a new modem. I just signed up with fido a few months back and that's when this all started ( and when i received the modem).

I have tried moving the box all over the place by ever single window in the house and the sound is just horrible. 

It is quite frustrating

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @JCobra, thanks for the update! Smiley


It may be related to the SIM or to the home phone modem itself. We suggest contacting us and we can swap it out for you!


If you prefer, we can even PM you here on the Community. Just let us know if you prefer to go that route. 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

HI, any route that will make it better and make it work is good for me plz! DM me plz. Thanks

Hey @JCobra! Philippe here. I'll send you a PM shortly. Smiley

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

how hard is for fido to fix it they know we all have this issue . i wasted so many hours that the saving are not worth it any more .. i did all there steps reset rebbot change this and change that .. they sent me a new one oh yeh not new a rebuilt worst than the first one i had . i give up the fight is not worth it . i thought the would have a fix . but they just dance with us and i do not feel like dancing any more. the best is that i even paid 69.00 for the box (zte ) now i am stuck with it .. Thanks fido .. wait let me say it ;oud THANKS FIDO .

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @jrzaza,


We're sorry for your troubles with the land line! We'll need to access your account to see what exactly was done already and where we should go from there to help you out.


I'm sending you a PM, talk soon!



Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @pauljp,


Can you please let us know if you went through any of the troubleshooting steps that were mentioned above in this thread? That would help us know what steps we should take further.


Hopefully @Clophas can share what fixed this in their situation Smiley  



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Yes I reset the ZTE and moved it around my home, no change. It only happens to certain people I call and only on certain phones in their home. As an example, my sister has multiple phones in her home. The one in her living room works well, but the one in her bedroom is very loud. She can hold the phone at arms length and still hear me clearly. She says that only happens when I call her, not when anyone else calls her, and it never happened before I got Fido Home Phone. Others that I call (maybe 25% of them) say the same thing about the extremely loud audio.

My videotron home phone number was transferred to Fido home phone on July 4, 2019.

So, about 75% of the people I call report no problems whereas 25% report a very loud audio. The antenna shows 3 bars at the moment.

Hello @pauljp


I do see this as a particular situation since it's not affecting all phones like you explained here.


Was this modem purchased in July 2019? If that's the case, then you are still under the manufacturer's warranty and can have it replaced.


Also, did you have that problem from the start, or the volume situation started recently?


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

The modem was purchased June 29, 2019 at a Fido booth in a shopping mall in Ottawa Ontario.My home phone number was transferred to it on July 4, 2019.


The audio volume problem was from the start of using the Fido modem. I never had that problem when I was with Videotron.


How to I exchange it? Do I just bring it back to the Fido booth in the mall and have them switch my Sim card to another unit?


Hey @pauljp ,


Thanks for the info!


Correct, you would have to bring it back to the Fido booth. They will have a look at the device first and if needed, they should exchange it Smiley


Let us know if anything!



Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @Clophas !


Got some questions for you Smiley


So everyone you call hears you loud with some echoes? On your side, everything is fine?


Have you tried restarting the ZTE wireless home phone completely?


You also have a phone connected to the ZTE device. Are you able to adjust the volume on it directly?


Is there any other phone you could test on the home phone device as well? To see if this persists.


Let us know!


I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi Charles,


Yes on my side it's fine. It's only on their end that they hear it very loud and echo.


Yes i have restarted the zte numerous times, and i also know that it already happened since day one.


I am able to adjust the volume on my phone, but that only affects the volume i hear, not the volume they hear.


I have tested one other phone and still the same problem.


What could possibly be the cause? And how to find a solution to this persisting problem? Thanks.

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

did you ever resolve your issue

Thanks for all the info @Clophas Smiley


There could be interference with the calls. If you try to place the ZTE home phone anywhere else in the house (other room, next to another window, etc.), does it persist? Or is it any different?


And how long have you been using this device? Note that you should be able to exchange it if it's under a year.


Don't hesitate to check out this thread for more info.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi Charles,


I have been using it since the subscription, which is october 2018. 


I have placed the zte in another room but same effect. 


How do i return the device? Who should i contact and where to send it? How will i be able to use my phone if i don't have the device for a while? Thanks.

Hey @Clophas


We'll be happy to take a look at this with you.   I'll send you a PM.


Talk to you soon!

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi Julien, i am waiting for your message. I would like to know what to do to reduce the volume on the receiver end, please. Is it a device problem, even though the signal is maximum and loud? Thank you.