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Colour Change

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Within the 15 days of getting a new phone, is it still possible to change the colour?


Technically, I already know what colour I wanted before going to the store but they didn't have any stock of the colour I wanted! If it is possible to change the colour, I know that the store would still not have the colour I wanted but I'm ok with ordering it since I actually do want that colour.


Btw, I got the Samsung Galaxy S8


Thank you!


**Edited to add tags and labels**


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @dannib26!


If you are still within the 15 days, you could definitely exchange it. Exchanges for another color are accepted. Smiley 


You'd just need to visit the store you purchased it from. 


Hope that helps!

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Sorry for reviving an old thread. Wanted to know if this still applies and the process for online or phone orders. 

Hey @SkyKnight 


Welcome to the Community!


The answer here is still accurate. 

If you ordered the device online or with us over the phone you'd have to contact us so we can process an exchange and you can send it back to us once you get the second phone!