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Anyone received a scratched iPhone 5 ?

I'm helpful level 1
I'm helpful level 1

Seems like MANY people are receiving damaged and scratched iPhone 5 out of the box...


ANYONE received a scratched iPhone from Fido in here?



***Edited to add labels***


I'm qualified level 1
I'm qualified level 1

According to an email sent out by Phil Schiller, the scratching is quite normal especially once it's being used. The scratches & scuffs will not be as visible on the white iPhone 5 (a reason to get the white iPhone 5). If your iPhone 5 had scratches before opening the box up, it's likely a QC issue that the factory experienced (most likely possible because of the huge demand for the iPhone 5).


iPhone 5 - White 16 GB

I'm experienced level 3
I'm experienced level 3
The scratch is one thing, but the bigger issue is the touch screen. Looks like Apple's QA missed this big time. I've seen some you tube vids on it and quite a bit of discussion about it already. The huge concern would be if it's a hardware issue or fixed by software.

At least with the scratches, Apple will replace it. You just have to wait a good month for a replacement.

Yeah, i cross my fingers that mine will be A1

I'm experienced level 3
I'm experienced level 3
I hope yours comes unscathed and you get to enjoy it. Best of luck. And don't rely on the maps either until Apple gets its act together and updates it too. Wink