November 2012
I cannot access my on-line bill. I have problems every time I try to access it. I can access my account but it does not give me the option to view my bill. I called about the this 3 weeks ago and the service rep I spoke to said that it was because I wasn't using internet explorer. I have a Mac and have tried on both Safari and Firefox, is this service not available for Mac's? The service rep I spoke to 3 weeks ago did not help me resolve the issue and said technical support would contact me, I have not been contacted. I called back today and was put on hold for 15 mins. without resolve. I am very frustrated and need access to my bills!
***Edited to add labels***
November 2012
First, I would make sure you are setup for Online Billing. Make sure it says "Online Billing: Registered" under Payment Information in My Account. I would like to also confirm that My Account via works without issue on Firefox. However, I am running the latest Firefox on WINDOWS, not on a Mac. You can find your monthly invoice under Payment Information by clicking on "View Online Bill". You should also receive an email from Fido when your bill is ready. Usually takes 2-4 days after your Billing Cycle date for Fido to compile your monthly invoice. Additionally, try another computer and/or a different browser to see if the issue persists. Hope this helps!
November 2012
I have successfully logged into my account but it never says "Online Billing: Registered" under Payment Information in My Account. I have however successfully accessed my bill in the past after spending at least an hour with a service rep, but when I try to access it again on my own it fails, then I have to do the whole process again. Although last time was a fail. I do have the latest versions of Foxfire and Safari. The "View Online Bill" option does not appear. I would like to send you a screen shot of what does appear, but not sure I can do that here.
November 2012
November 2012
It's true I have logged in with a group ID number, but the last time I tried to do that I couldn't so called the customer service rep for a new pass word and was not able to login, and they were unable to help me.
December 2012