I have an issue with FIDO regarding my Niece Renee. Last year Renee went to Vancouver and did not return to Toronto on the scheduled date. I won’t go into the medical details of why she was still in Vancouver. Upon trying to contact her we discovered her # was offline because she hadn’t paid her bill. My Brother Albert -visiting from Vancouver at the time collected monies from both my Mother, him and myself to settle her $828.60 bill. He said he paid with his MasterCard in October ’19 at the fido store when he returned to Vancouver. He said he wasn’t given a receipt.
Albert said “They (FIDO) won't talk to me. Not on account and do not have permission. Talked to them but they can’t tell me anything." To keep the story brief Renee received a letter dated April 27, 2020 to the effect "Please make a payment as soon as possible to restore your services. Please be advised that if payment is not made this account is schedule to be cancelled for non- payment 14 days from the date of this notice and your account may be forwarded to a collection agency.” Now the amount has increased to $968.83. As the bill was paid back in Oct why is Renee still getting a letter to pay for the bill again?
Anyone one come accross this issue with FIDO? If so were you able to resolve?