March 2020
I was been a fido customer for more than 5 years plus with two accounts,The problem was last nov.2019 ive got an offer of loyalty program including all the available phones so since i was ready to upgrade my phone but there was a remaining balance of 70 something dollars,Went to all closest fido store showing the mail that ive got from fido,bad thing is all the phone was associated with that program is all almost or maybe phase out,so there was an i phone 5 se that i just like, just for a try,since i knew it was for free and no charge,so all of that store has no iphone available,so i ended up calling up customer service,we had a conversation expalined to me what is my new plan and my new phone,but he never mentioned anything about that device balance,waited for couple of days until the phone arrived..few days after went to my account and i was surprised that theres a stuggering 270 plus device balance on the piece of phasing out phone,and worst thing is from that 3 stores that i went thru did not explain at all that there should be a device balance,if i would know from the very beginning i would never change my contract early and pay 70 something since my contarct will be end early this year...So i called them back in jan 2020,aagain customer service,and this guy was kind of like his brain are closed ,that what ever expalnation i gave to him he can not understand my point and my logic,why would i have to change my contract early for a outdated phone i would rather hve to wait til my contract end and get a descent phone,called back again last feb.same thing they cant do anything..was planning to cancel all of this contract and i hope this post will be a lesson to other fido customer out there..i hope i still get a chance to fix this and i am willing ti return the phone and pay for the shipping.
March 2020
Yes i do understand,that if its my mistake by not checking it online regarding with that device balance and15 days satisfaction i accept it.But my point is they should have told me and also ftom that loyalty mail that i recieved has also mentioned there but there was none,went to as well 3 different local store they didnt mentioned anything..Can i have this phone back and get a descent one .thanks
March 2020
Hey @j0s04yc,
We can definitely review the situation and go over your options. To get started, simply reach out to us at these channels
March 2020
Hey @j0s04yc,
Welcome to the community and thank you for sharing your experience.
We definitely aim for your experience with us to be as transparent as possible. When it comes to your device balance, whenever there is a term agreement on your account, your remaining balance is detailed and available at all times on or on your account directly on the app.
When upgrading your device in stores or through our customer service, you have a 15 days satisfaction warranty during which you can exchange or return your device.We also provide a copy of your agreement including all the charges and credits, if applicable, associated with your account.
Did you have the chance to discuss your account with us prior to January 2020?
You can always reach out to us here. We'll be glad to look into that for you.