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Zero Downpayment Device not available.

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I heve been with Fido for 6 years. I have 2 lines and 2 phones with thme. For 6 years i  have never had a late payment as it has beed preathorized from day 1.
It is time for me to upgrade my devces and i am not eligble to get a zero downpayment device. And it is not that i what to get the latest and greates phone. With any phone i need to do the downpayment. The Fido representative told me that it may be something with my credit history but my credit score is over 770 and it is not that i am applying for the mortgage.
Did any body face the same issue and how you resolve it?


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey there @MPL


Welcome to the Community Smiley


I'm sorry to hear that we were unable to assist you with your upgrade. It's good to know that your credit history will be based on your account's information and if a credit check is required, when you have an active Fido account, it will be a soft check.


In other words, the tenure and history of previous or existing accounts is used to perform the evaluation, including payments, usage and collections activity (if applicable). A credit bureau inquiry is not performed for internal credit evaluations.


Also, when completing a hardware upgrade (financing a new phone on your line) our agents should refresh these results and be able to provide you an accurate result.


Hope this clarifies and don't hesitate to reach out to us so we can review the situation with you. You can reach out to us on these channels and we'll take it from there Smiley