2 weeks ago
Why did I go through the trouble of using online ordering when the place I wanted to pick it up at refuses to fulfill my order because they say they only have one in stock. But, they're perfectly happy to make me go through the process of buying the phone at the store. Why did I bother doing something online? Hopefully saving myself time??
2 weeks ago
Hello Mrcashmore,
I understand it's frustrating not being able to get your online order from the store. However, it's not uncommon for companies to not fulfil orders with regular store inventory. Store inventory is meant for sales from a particular store. The store's manager(s) would order inventory to supply their location. They don't order additional inventory for online orders.
For example, I recently made an online purchase at Bass Pro Shops for pick-up at a particular location, knowing full well that the location had sufficient stock of the item. After waiting about a week to receive the pick-up notification from them, I callled their customer service line to enquire information as to the delay. They informed me that they never fulfil online orders with regular store inventory. While picking up the item in-store is a convenience provided to customers, online sales are entirely separate from store sales. As for my order, my particular item was on the truck making its way from their warehouse to my preferred pick-up store -- even though there were at least 6 of that item on store shelves.
@mrcashmore wrote:
....Why did I bother doing something online?
For one, purchasing online can save a Set-up Service fee, if applicable:
~taken from Fido.ca.
I understand that some people might feel forced to pay Set-up fees by having to make the purchase in-store. However, was shipping to your address an option?
Hope this helps 😀