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What is Fido/Rogers doing to combat spam calls and SMS?

I'm a contributor level 3
I'm a contributor level 3

We've all rolled our eyes at the "DO NOT CALL REGISTRY" and the laughably named "STIR/SHAKEN FRAMEWORK" – they're about as helpful as using dial-up for 4K streaming.


But seriously, the flood of spam texts is getting out of hand. Blocking numbers is a joke because spammers just keep switching them up.


Sure, you can report spam by forwarding to 7726, but watch out – you might accidentally tap on the sketchy link.

And speaking of sketchy, why do companies like Amazon keep sending links in texts? It's asking for trouble.


Props to Telus, though, for their "Call Control" trick. When a new caller dials in, they gotta punch in a code. Nail it, and they're in for good. Mess up, and they get a digital door slam. It's like bouncer-level security for your phone.


But here's the kicker: it only works for calls, not texts. Still better than what Rogers/Fido offer, though.


Why's the CEO at Rogers just sitting on his hands, waiting for the CRTC or the Feds to come in and lay down the law? Instead of twiddling their thumbs, they should step up and take action themselves. Why wait for the regulators to force their hand when they could be implementing an effective action plan right now?


Oh, please spare us the gaslighting on this matter. It's crystal clear: there's a solution within reach. With the tech we have and the hefty profits these providers are pulling in, there's no excuse for inaction.


I'm a contributor level 3
I'm a contributor level 3

As usual, the Rogers group remains deflective on the issue.


If you have a more recent iPhone, you can select in the Settings > Messages to "filter unknow senders" .


Anyone not in your contact list will be filtered out and you won't get any SMS notifications. 


There is no [preventative] workaround for calls, unfortunately with Rogers. If you switch to Telus (maybe Bell) you can use their [Call Control] feature which is awesome and should be the industry norm (in Canada) where this is a major problem.   




Thank you for your feedback.


We're working on reducing spam calls and texts, we can assure you we take this very seriously.


Here's a link that can help with and fraud and spam FAQs or prevention tips: Fraud & spam prevention support - Fido.


Hope this helps!

I'm a contributor level 3
I'm a contributor level 3

What EXACTLY are you doing?


That link and its content are effectively meaningless in combatting spam.


The only [temporary] workaround for users is never to tap on a link in any SMS. 


On the iPhone, you can go to "Notifications" and silence notifications for "Unknown" senders. Those that you do know you should add them to the contact list. This will NOT prevent multiple SMS from arriving on your phone in succession. They will still be there. 


Shifting the onus on the user  especially where victim blaming is common these days is not the solution. Educating and BLOCKING SMS links from ever reaching your phone at the NETWORK level is only ONE part of the solution.  


Hope this helps!