So I had been using Fizz Mobile, which is owned by Vidéotron in Québec.
When attempting to give my account number, apparently there are supposed to be two more digits to my account number. I have no clue of what these numbers could be...
Has anyone else dealt with a Fizz Mobile account number and transferring their phone number? I have business linked to this number and it would be a nightmare to have to change it.
Hello DoritoChan,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear you're having difficulties with transferring your number. However, I'm not quite sure I entirely understand. Are you trying to move your services to Fido? If so, I believe you would need to open an account with Fido and then have them port your phone number from Fizz Mobile. I don't believe Fido requires your Fizz account number. Fido and Fizz are separate companies so I don't think a direct transfer of accounts is possible. As far as I am aware, they only need to request your phone number be ported to Fido.
It should be noted that your line with Fizz needs to be active in order for the porting process to proceed (see here). In addition, you would also need to accept the verification of the port request.
Hope this helps 😀