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Texts from Android Phones not coming through while on WiFi

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

While my phone (Galaxy S9)  is connected to wifi I can recieve texts from iPhones and group messages from Android devices, but I cannot receive texts from other Android devices while I'm connected to WiFi. Any solutions?


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Thank you for the reply. No blocked contacts or any reason I can see that would stop a message from coming though. Tried toggling the 'chat' settings too.

Running android version 10 with my last update being Feb 24th. I think the issues were happening as of Feb 22nd. Tried clearing the messeges app cache, and Fido did a reset. WiFi Calling is turned off at this point as the connection was generally not as good. 

Thank you for sharing this.


You had a chance to try your sim card in a different device to see if the same thing happens?


This way, we can see if the issue is from the device or the sim card itself.


Let us know.


Hey @WiseKrak


You should be able to receive text messages even if you are on Wi-Fi.


Did you get a chance to verify your text messages settings to see if there's anyting stopping you from receiving those messages?


Are you on the latest OS version for your device right now?


Before today, were you able to receive messages without being on Wi-FI? If so, when did the problem start exactly?


Let us know.