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Text Messaging Add on question

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1


I'm no longer under a contract, But I''m grandfathered in with the per second billing.


200 text messages For $5/month

If I add this onto my plan would I still be grandfathered with the per second billing or would I be changed to per minute billing.


Right now i play 33 dollars a month for 50 mins and 50 texts messaged and the value pack add on. 




***Edited to add labels***


I'm qualified level 3
I'm qualified level 3

Yes, you would be able to keep your grandfathered plan since you are not modifying the plan itself. You are adding an add-on which is separate from your base plan.


I had the same question when I added Caller ID & Mini Voicemail to my grandfathered plan recently. I can personally confirm that adding the add-on did not disrupt my grandfather per-second billing plan.