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Prepaid: statement for accounting purposes - can a

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi Manager,
In prepaid accounts, can a letter/statement be drafted to state that a prepaid account was active (since when to when)? CRA needs something they can verify the prepaid phone expenses made to Fido (for each year) so the I can legitimate these expenses against annual income tax returns.
Can somebody help me on this? Pls let me who can I contact.
Thx for any advice on this.



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator
Hey seasons!

Fido is not able to provide you with a statement or official letter for a prepaid account.

To prove your expenses, depending on how you refilled, you may have a look at your credit card statements, bank account transactions or the receipt for hte voucher's purchase.

I hope this helps.