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Service in decline year after year

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1


Where to start? Was a client for more then 10 years. Then the jump the roaming fees from 100$ to 300$. Ridiculous. So, I start to suspend my line when I was travelling for a few months. I was ok paying 100$ now they were receiving even less every month. The first time I decide to cancel my account is when I try to send my phone to repair. The service was a mess. Bouncing from 1 store to another. No cell replacement. Finally, when I found one. The put my phone to repair in a drawer. Call me 2 weeks after and the just pick up my phone from the same drawer. Was never sent to repair. After so many calls, going around, it was enough. I cancel my account.  

I give them another chance a year after and since the first month there was issue. I need my phone to receive and make international call. Is the first package I request. They charge me more then 200$ of international call. Saying that I never request the package, Bunch of LIARS. 


My last call was a few weeks ago. Trying to upgrade my phone, calling to request some help and like always they are useless. I didn't even try to waste my time anymore. Thank for nothing. I already close my account and transfer to FIZZ, took just a few minutes. You didn't just loose a client, but I will NEVER refer FIDO to anyone.

Some marketing fact, it takes 5-7 times the cost to get a new customer as it would to sell into an existing customer.

multiply by all the customer you will lose because of the negative feed back I will give to them. 



Hello @jmmauricio,


Welcome to the community!


I'm terribly sorry to hear that you've had your past few experiences pushed you to switch to another provider after so long. We're definitely sad to see you go.

If ever you wish to discuss your options with us once again, we'll be more than happy to.


Take care,