September 2021
Good afternoon,
on Saturday an ex spammed my phone and sent me over 500 texts. Since this time I can't send an sms without it sending duplicates. My iMessage works fine. I have already tried all the Google suggested tips for iPhone sending duplicate messages
i'm at my wits end as I just got my new iPhone and I essentially can't use my phone. Any suggestions?
September 2021
Hello @becca23 , I know how frustrating that is. I had a similar issue a couple of years ago on my BlackBerry and after all the trouble shooting I did, it ended up having to have my device network reset by Fido techs. I suggest that you call into Fido from your device by calling *611 and asking for them to reset your device. Sometimes things just need to be cleared out. Let us know if you were able to correct the duplicate messaging with a reset. Cheers