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New promotion bait

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I have two lines with Fido. Both of them have a great promotion discount. Starting from January I've been seeing that I have two new promotions. For one of my line the new plan would give me 30gb with the same price as what I've been paying BEFORE my promotional discounts. Another line the promotion says I'll pay $15 less for 35gb BEFORE my promotional discounts. I was intrigued and asked service representative if I switch to new promotional plan I would get the same discounts as before. The anwer was NO. 

It's very sneaky of Fido to advertise the new "promotion" is the same price as what I was paying. If you are not happy with the discount I'm currently getting, don't sell plans with such discounts. Don't try to scam EXISTING customers to switch out of their great plan for more expensive plans with no discounts. 

I'm definitely NOT recommending Fido to anyone nor using Fido in the future.



Hey @MintMobile


Our promos often change and targeted offers will often include more data based on your monthly usage. Loyalty offers are often not compatible with current discounts and this is not something we try to hide, it will always be mentionned when you change your plan. 

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your current plan!