July 2020
Hello, yesterday I was logged out of the fido network and am unable to use mobile data. If I try and log back in it just hangs at the login screen, if I'm connected to wifi it won't let me log in, and if I connect to wifi as I'm trying to log into the hanging login screen, it goes through but doesn't save it for when I'm not connected to wifi.
July 2020
Hello IanAsman,
Welcome to the community!
What do you mean by logged out of the Fido network? Are you referring to My Account or the My Account App? Whether you're logged into your My Account or not, shouldn't affect your ability to use mobile data. Have you ensured that your mobile data is enabled? Or are you referring to Data Bytes?
Do you have a plan which includes Talk and Text as well? Are you able to make/receive calls and/or send/receive SMS? The only way to log out of the Fido network would be remove the SIM or if the SIM was damaged. I suppose enabling Airplane or Flight mode would also accomplish that as well. Have you verified that setting hasn't been enabled on your device?
Hope this helps 😀