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I'm the only one posting about no 'net connection (all day)?

I'm a contributor level 2
I'm a contributor level 2

...and so, any thought on why that would be?  I can get wireless, but not 3g/4g/not sure which my phone uses.  On my old phone there were settings for the 2g and 3g. However, I don't even ANY-g mentioned in any of the help/settings.  I've restarted the phone several times.  It's a Sony Xperia SP.


Signal strenght is good. There's a status icon up top that I can't identify (not in user manual, can't find it online).  I thougth at first it was battery, but there IS a battery status icon as well. This looks like the a pair of  'hands" holding a little rectangular shape (that kinda looks like a battery).




***Edited to add labels***


I'm helpful level 1
I'm helpful level 1

Make sure your mobile data is turned on