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How to block a phone number?

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Since acquisition of my new phone with Fido (since May 21, 2012), i started to receive calls from 1-877-866-9930.  They hang-up as soon as I answer and once it shipped me ``on hold``!  I believe it could be a spam call, therefore I wish to block their number from my IPhone 4S.  How can I do so?  Thanks in advance




I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Please DO NOT provide your number to "National Do No Call List"

If you do, your number been sent to all known Telemarketing companies; if you even did not receive any spam call from some; YOU WILL START receiving calls, by law supposed to stop calling and remove your number after a while but that never happens, made this mistake and had to change my number which is temporary solution.

In Canada use your smart phone to block known numbers using your phone but might ended-up with voice messages from some; person would not leave message but robot caller would; since robot callers change number each time call you; there is no way to block them.

Only best solution is to block number (not robot callers number) from provider level which is not available in Canada; I know Fido do not offer such service as I asked for it many times.


Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @Mokoch,


I'm sad to learn about your experience as it shouldn't be the case. 


Registering to the National Do Not Call List lets you reduce the number of unsolicited telemarketing calls you get from companies with whom you have no existing business relationship and it shouldn't increase this number. While there is a delay to the process, telemarketers have 14 days to update their information after the registration. 


Blocking those numbers when possible is definitely a great suggestion, thanks for sharing it with the Community! 



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I am sorry moderator; your answer is completely disingenuous; and not truth. I stand for the opinion of Morch. It is a fact well known for the last 15 years

Hey @lorca2770


We're sorry you feel this way.


The National Do Not Call List and our internal marketing list are in fact effective. However, what @Mokoch is most likely referring is to is spam calls and spoofed numbers. This is an issue that's been ongoing for a while and you can find more info about it on the CRTC website.


Here's what's been implemented since:

With that being said, it's important to always be aware of the best ways to protect yourself, your identity and any other personal info. You can find some tips on our support page or visit the CRTC website for more info.


Hope this helps!

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Fido's 1-877-866-9930 phone number is continuing to call me multiple times daily. I am in the UK and am not answering to tell them to STOP calling me. Why is my number suddenly being spammed with unsolicited phone calls after buying a smartphone from Fido? I never got these calls previously with my old phone? I did not pay extra money for a new phone to be bothered by these repeat calls. Maybe Fido's marketing department should take the hint and STOP auto-redialing OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. I really despise these 3rd party companies all these companies use and can seemingly never control. I would advise Fido think about a policy of not auto-dialing numbers endlessly, it's 2014, NOBODY wants to be bothered with spam calls every day. 

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hi TimD,


I'm sorry to hear about this.


We can remove your number from our marketing lists.  You can reach out to us on these channels and chat with a representative to do this. 

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

..."I'll remove your number from our marketing lists..." Therefore, you have a marketing list??

Yes, as most companies we do have one


The list is used to send marketing offers and promotions to our customers and you can choose to opt out of them at your convenience.

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

This may be old news, but on an iPhone 4 with iOS 7, simply go to the recent call list, find the offending phone nmber, touch the circular "i" (information) button to the right and then scroll down to the bottom and select "Block this caller". Voila! I was never the victim of spam calls while living on Vancouver Island but since moving to Vancouver my phone has been parasitized. And I tried using CRTC's National Do Not Call List but I don't have much confidence in it in part because its descriptive criteria for the telemarketing event are often too specific (savvy marketers don't specify their "industry" or "name", two information fields CRTC wants you to fill out on the DNCL telemarketing complaint form), in part because government investigations likely take much longer than it takes a telemarketers' numbers to mutate, and in part because it screwed up (I inputted 2 complaints and then tried to do a 3rd and inexplicably the website showed an error message allegedly because my cell # "wasn't registered" or was "registered on the DNCL for fewer than 31 days" - ridiculous). Good luck!

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

One of the reasons I believe we do not offer this is because of the privacy laws of incoming call details. Legally we are not allow to register incoming call numbers, etc.


If you have an Android phone, you can block any number from calling you. Simply go to your CALL HISTORY, hold your finger on the number you are wanting to block, and choose "Block".


As far as blackberry & iPhones, you may have to download an App to block it.


- Cassandra


I am a Fido employee, but my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of Fido or its affiliates. Je suis un(e) employé(e) de Fido mais mes commentaires sont les miens et ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue.

*** I am a Fido employee, but my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of Fido or its affiliates. Je suis un employé de Fido mais mes commentaires sont les miens et ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue de Fido ou d’une société de son groupe. ***

I'm a contributor level 2
I'm a contributor level 2
Same problem here but I guess my number is close to a drug dealers number.i get junkies calling and asking for drugs all day and night.tried to block them .even the RCMP said just change your number.big help they were

I'm experienced level 3
I'm experienced level 3

There are plenty of free call blocking apps for Android, and probably for iPhone/BB too. Simple easy fast solution.

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

The phone number you listed in the original post is 1-877-866-9930


I looked it up and it's a Fido number

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hey Khalsasikh!

Your message is empty. Did you have any question?

Please note that nick67's answer is accurate and that the only other option at this time is to have your phone number changed.

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Why exactly does Fido not offer this service? How is this possible? This company has been around for over a decade.

Will this be possible soon?

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Excellent question.  No answer in 2+ years.  So, why doesn't fido give its customers phone blocking when other companies do?  Why is Fido helping spammers spam us?

Hey @JoJo10 and welcome to the Community.

We certainly don't want any of our customers to be spammed.

We hear you and I will make sure to forward your comments to the people in charge.


Meanwhile, for any unwanted calls or message that you receive, I invite you to visit this page here.


And if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to reach out.





I'm experienced level 2
I'm experienced level 2
Hello Everyone,

Currently Fido does not offer any service to block your incoming calls. As previously mentioned you can chose to register your number on the National Do Not Call List. This may provide some relief from "Spam" calls. If this does not work then you can always consider changing your phone number. Note that if you chose this route there is a charge of $25 in most cases.
Good luck!

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi Fido 

Okay, so your company does not want to spend money creating an app that would serve your customers to block unwanted calls. I understand it is so much easier from a business model to shift the responsibility to the government. 

This does not solve the problem that I am being charged .40  for every incoming call that is not recognized.

Could you not create something where phone numbers are acknowledged by way of a persons phone book. If it is in my phone book the call comes through if not it is sent a message is sent to the caller that they are not registered. They would then be required to provide name, phone, and address for caller verification. Then I would either accept or reject with the option of sending a note back to the recipient either personal or standard rejection. If tinder can do it why can't Fido?