September 2020
Hi, I want to suspend my fido account for half year. I'm already abroad and I can't call fido .So ,is there a possible way can I suspend my account online?
September 2020
Hello VictorYang,
Welcome to the community!
Fido does offer a temporary suspension for eligible lines. Are you currently under contract? If so, do you have an older subsidised plan or one of the newer financed payment plans? Unfortunately, subsidised plans are not eligible for the temporary suspension as the cost of phones is incorporated into the plan cost. If you have a financed plan, you should note that the temporary suspension only applies to your services. You would still need to pay the monthly costs for financing the device.
Unfortunately, there is no way to add the temporary suspension online. If you're eligible for the temporary suspension, you would need to contact customer service to have it set up. Alternatively, you might consider sending @FidoSolutions a PM. Once they verify some information, they will also be able to access your account.
Hope this helps 😀
Dear I have no contract, can i suspend my acount online, i am away please let me know what to do ??
a month ago
Hello Timiran2000,
Welcome to the community!
Fido does offer a temporary suspension for a reduced rate on eligible lines. To update, however, you should note that the suspension is now only available for a period of 1 to 6 months. It should also be noted that the monthly fee for the temporary suspension may have increased since that post. After the temporary suspension, your line would resume as normal following the suspension.
Since my last reply in this thread above, they have made it possible to temporarily suspend services via your My Account --> My Usage. From your Dashboard, the option to Manage temporary suspension can be found near the bottom of the page, under Quick Actions.
In addition, it may be possible to add a temporary suspension via the My Account app --> Plan --> Temporary service suspension.
You should note this forum is community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. We do not have access to customers' accounts nor would we be in any position to address your matter. If you are unable to add a temporary suspension online, you would need to contact customer service. If you are currently outside of Canada, they do offer a number to call from abroad. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
Hope this helps 😀
Is it normal that a representative ask me about my card information like security code and expire date when I ask for the suspension? It does not feel right to me.
Hello @fbcharles737,
Welcome to the Community!
This doesn't really sound right. Did you ask you in person or through a form or by entering the number over the phone?