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Hi, is it possible to answer the phone from mexico?

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I have used the plan which is $50. And, I register this plan from 29, Dec. 

although my friend who lives in Mexico tried to call me a lot, she could not do that.


So, if I wanna get the phone call, do I have to change plan? 



***Edited to add labels***



@James_Jeong13 The problem is on your friend side you can receive all incoming calls no matter which country it originates from. Your friend should be dialing 1 + area code + you phone number.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Thank you for your answering.

Although I have the mobile phone, Do my friend need to call me with AREA CODE?

sorry. I understand now. lol. 

When she tried to call me with country and area code, she heard that this number is not available. 

Hi @James_Jeong13


Is your friend still having an issue reaching you out? Were you able to find a solution at this point?

If it still doesn't work, let me know and I'll take a closer look at your account.