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Giving one mobile line to another

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hi there! I just have a general question. My brother have 4 mobile lines with phone plans, in which one is mine. Is it possible that I can have that one mobile completely separated from his account and have it for me in a separate account? 
Be glad, if anyone let me know that.😊


Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Momo33,


  Welcome to the community!


  In order to separate your line from your brother's account, you would need to request a Transfer of Repsonsibility (TOR) of your line. As a part of the process, you would be required to undergo a credit evaluation. You should note that there would be a fee for the transfer (see here). You should also note that if you are currently financing a device, you would be required to pay the remaining balance for the device as the financing would not transfer (see Payment Program).


  You should note that the forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. Your brother  would first need to contact customer service and notify them of your intent to transfer the responsibility of your line. You would then need to contact them to complete the transfer.


Hope this helps 😀




I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Thank you for responding:D!!
I now understand how transfer of responsibility works but would further like to confirm that by transferring a mobile line  to another person, would this affect the price or monthly charges of the existing plan at all?  What I mean is that if I have a monthly prepaid service of $40 on a line on my brother's account and when I transfer that line to me (my new account?) would that plan price ($40) stay the same? 
Be glad if you could confirm this for me too.😊