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Fido Roam

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I am not interested in using data while roaming. (I will use the hotel wifi for this purpose)

But I would like to be available for an emergency phone call, or a text. The $12 a day is a convenient option if I plan to use data or making several Canadian calls, but for the odd text, I would rather use the pay-per-use opton.

Two questions:

1) Do I incur the $12 a day for receiving texts only?

2) How do I switch off the Fido Roaming option to a normal pay-per-use option?

Texting 222 only gives me the option of switching it on, and not off.

Please advise


Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Johanred,


  Welcome to the community!


  Fido Roam is only charged for usage on a foreign network. That is, making or receiving calls, sending SMS, or using Data. Receiving SMS does not incur the Fido Roam charge. However, you should note that the data within a MMS would be considered roaming data and therefore would incur the daily fee.


  If you wish to opt-out of Fido Roam, you will need to contact customer service. Alternatively, you might consider sending @FidoSolutions a PM. Once they verify some information, they'll also be able to access your account. You should note that standard Pay-Per-Use roaming rates that will apply should you opt out of Fido Roam. You can view the rates here.


  I understand you do not wish to use mobile data. You should take note of how your phone's functionality works. There have been cases where disabling data and data roaming still allowed data usage. In addition, there have been cases where usage had occurred despite Airplane or Flight mode being enabled. In some of those instances, it was later found that the setting did not enable/disable without a restart.


Hope this helps 😀

