February 2024
Hi. I wanna know what is the Fido MACC cuz Fido is charged me for two times with 50.40 CAD Dollars in one day after 12 days after my monthly payment.
what should i do? I wanna the money back to my account.
#fido MACC
February 2024
Hello Atagohari,
Welcome to the community!
MACC stands for Monthly Automatic Credit Card (see here). Had you recently signed up for pre-authorised payments? If you have recently signed up for pre-authorised payments, two charges might show with the same amount because one is usually pending. As far as I am aware, the MACC charge is temporary to verify the card is capable of processing the charge. Once the payment actually goes through, the pending charge should automatically be cancelled. You might consider verifying the pending charge is no longer on your account after a few days.
Hope this helps 😀