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Complaint about data package update

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I am a new student to apply for a Fido cell phone number on Aug.27. I didn't make sure if the 10GB package was too much for me, While I chose data package. The specialist in the store recommended me to choose 4GB at a cheaper price $45. He said if the package is not enough for me, I can update it to 10GB by adding $5. It is the price when I open the account. About 10 days later, I decided to update my data package to 10GB. However, the price of each data package is much more expensive than I saw in Aug. The online specialist told me I need to pay the current price at $60. She said she cannot help me to update as the specialist in the store expressed. I consider I was misled by the specialist in the store!


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Thank you Cawtau! I am living in Toronto, Ontario. I checked the plan price list is $60 for 10gb at present. I inquired the store specialist that if I can update my plan to 10gb since I didn't make sure if 4gb is enough for me while I open the account. He told me I can update and just add $5 at any time. I contacted a specialist online, she/he cannot give me the update. Even if I chose update by $60, the student discount will be removed. It's totally different from what the store specialist told me. If I knew what likes this, I would choose 10gb immediately at that time. That is why I complaint here. 

Hello @njshunan,


I see the problem, the $50 10GB plan is offered to new activations once you login to the website and try to change the plan it's $60 for 10GB because it's an existing account. Unfortunately, Fido has been doing this for a long time now offering cheaper plans for new activations to gain new subscribers and existing customers can not switch to those plans. It's not something I don't agree with myself.

Hello again,


  Thank you for the additional information. Sorry, but I think I'm still missing something here, though. As far as I can tell:


~taken from here.


  Unless the website hasn't updated the page for me yet, it's still showing the plan as an option. Admittedly, it isn't a student promotion and you might not get any student discounts to go along with it.


  Unfortunately, if your offer was a special promotion, they do tend to only be available for a limited period. Fido would be unable to apply a particular promotion after its promotional period has ended.


Hope this helps 😀






Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Njshunan,


  Welcome to the community!


  Sorry to hear you weren't able to upgrade your plan. As mentioned, if it was a promotion, those types of plans tend to be transient in nature. However, I'm not sure we have all of the available information. As far as I can tell, a 10GB plan for $50 ($45 + $5) is still available on the website (at least for most Provinces I checked). In which Province do you reside?


  You might consider contacting customer service again to ask why the stated cost appears to be different from the one stated on the website. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.


Hope this helps 😀





Hello @njshunan,


Welcome to the community!


I don't think you were misled it could be possible that the 10gb plan was available at the time you signed up but it's not available anymore. Plans and promotions are constantly changing that's the nature of the business. You can keep checking and you can always change your plan when something new comes up that suits your needs.