I've been with Fido for almost 6 years now. Recently, I had to move to quebec (from ontario) and cancel the mobile phone line with Fido. My last bill was paid on Nov 14th and the line was cancelled on Nov 19th. I was expecting an extra charge for the usage from Nov 1st to Nov 19th. However, to my horror, I now see $338 on my credit card. When I'd called to disconnect my number, the Fido representative told me clearly on the phone that there wouldn't be any extra charge except for the usage in the last month. My monthly bill used to be $35. So, this 10x amount is unusual and disappointing. Can you please help look into this?
@Original_Lucy and @Cawtau ,
Thanks a lot for your valuable responses. I contacted customer support (with a fair bit of difficulty—waiting 45 minutes on the fifth attempt that didn't self-disconnect) and confirmed that Fido didn't charge me. My new account with Rogers did that. Since the statement shows "Fido/Rogers," it led to confusion.
Hello Shubham_Fidoer,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear you've received that unexpected charge on your bill. There are generally no additional charges when cancelling services. However, were you financing a device? If you were, cancelling your line with a balance owing on a device will automatically charge the remaing balance to the account (see here).
As Original_Lucy notes, the forum is community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. You would need to contact them for assistance with your matter. You can find the ways to contact customer service in her post below.
Hope this helps 😀
Hello @Shubham_Fidoer sorry to hear that you had unexpected charges on your bill. As we are a community forum, we cannot look into people's accounts. You will have to contact Fido customer support to have your account looked into. Here are some of the ways to contact customer service. Best of luck to yoy