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I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I already suspended my account in first May for vacation 1 month outside Canada, so why I need to pay billing in May? thank you!


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey Hoangduyphuc! 


Welcome to the Community!


Even when your account is suspended, there are still fees to pay for the suspension. The temporary suspension is $7 per month. Is this the charge on your bill that you are referring to?


Keep in mind that it's also possible to have usage charges from your April cycle, for any use outside of what is covered by your plan, on your May bill as well. 


Have you downloaded your full bill? You can check out the details of all charges on your bill by downloading the PDF version from My Account on Just click on Save/Print this Bill on the right side of the bill overview page.


Let us know!