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Beyond frustrated

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2


I’ve never seen a company mismanage a customer trying to give them MORE business the way Fido has. I’m now exploring switching to its competition.
We ordered a new phone October 9 (accepting the 24-month commitment that is part of it.)
Here’s what’s happened in the two weeks since:
• Oct. 10 we are told it is no longer available from the pickup location, but we can cancel, reorder it and they will ship. (You’d think they would just automatically ship from another location rather than make the customer jump through hoops to make such a big investment with them).
• Oct. 11, I do that very thing and re-order. Am told it will arrive in “2-5 business days”.
• Oct. 19, still no phone. I contact Fido and am told “all is good,” it's just delayed but it should arrive within a couple of weeks. Agent also confirms that I will NOT be billed for new phone until I have it.
• Oct. 25, I get new bill and not only am I in fact being charged for the phone I do not yet have, but I am being charged the wrong amount, it’s way too high!
I call Fido and the agent cannot find any reason for me being charged, says it must be an error and she will fix the bill. Call was 90 minutes total and it was after about 60-70 minutes before she says, “oh wait, this phone order was cancelled on the 12th.”
• By whom? Fido.
• Why? She doesn’t know.
• But I was told on the 19th that it was still going through? She can’t answer why that is.
• If it was cancelled on the 12th, then why am I being charged for said cancelled phone on the 25th? She can’t answer that either.

But then she gives me the same “2-5 business days” that Fido has trained their reps to say which leads me to believe is just code for: ‘Just buy time while we keep fleecing our customers.’
I have heard the old adage “You get what you pay for,” but with Fido, it’s more like “You pay for what you don’t get.”



Hey @SMS1974! I hope you're doing well. 🙂


I'm sad to read about your experience in trying to get a new phone from us. I can certainly understand your frustration with that entire situation. I sincerely apologise for that!


Has there been any progress since your last post? If not, you can reach out to us via our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), and Google) for support and we'll be happy to help you.


Hope to hear from you soon!

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

No, still no resolution to this and the "2-5 business days" that I was promised has now passed.

I appreciate that your knowledge of our situation is limited since it is based only on my post, but we have called for support, we have chatted with Fido via the app. It has gotten us nowhere and it's infuriating that I have to repeatedly take time to contact them to beg Fido to fix its own mistakes, which they say they will and yet still have not done so.

My situation is a textbook case of horrible customer service and Fido doesn't seem to care.