January 2018
January 2018
January 2018
But, I don't need data. Is there any other way?
January 2018
Your plan will not change if you regularly top-up with an amount greater than $10 or if your balance expires 1 month after the migration start date.
This includes:
- Customers who accepted the offer to Trade-In $50 or $100 to extend the expiry of their balance for up to 1 year
- $100 top-ups made prior to the SMS being sent out
January 2018
1. I received a message from Fido re: the start date is on February 25. When is the actual migration start date?
2. If I regularly top-up with an amount greater than $10, will I be charge only for the calls and SMS that I made?
January 2018
Hey @bt1188
The migration will start as of February 1st 2018.
If you remain on the By the Minute plan due to a top-up greater than $10, you'll only be charged for the calls and SMS that you make.