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Adding a second line in a different provice

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hi -

I am currently a subscriber in Ontario but want to add a second line for my mother in Manitoba. Is it possible to have multiple lines in different provinces?

Also, is there some sort of special promotion for the 10% multi-line discount or does it automatically get applied?

I have a current market plan in Ontario (just upgraded my plan and device) and would be adding another BYOD plan.



Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey there jeni_c!


Welcome to the community. Smiley


That's correct, you may have multiple lines from different provinces on your account as only the area code will determine which province the line is based in. You may have one billing address though, obviously. 


As for the 10% second line discount, just make sure to mention it to the Fido rep so they can apply it for you upon activation!


Have a good one. Smiley

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Just as a follow-up, I contacted support and seems multiple provinces is not a problem!