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2 year contract finished... Fido Pulse Plus15 Plan

I'm helpful level 2
I'm helpful level 2



When I got my new S7 Edge two years ago on March 11, my plan was/is the Fido Pulse Plus15 Plan and I was told that at the end of my (2 year) contract, if I kept using the same device, I would be able to drop the "Plus 15" and therefore reduce my monthly charge.


As I don't foresee an immediate hardware upgrade, how would I go about having my monthly charge adjusted - could I do it through you guys (forum) or would it require a call to customer service?


Thanks very much for the assistance.


Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Readytorock,


  At the end of your agreement, you can certainly change your plan to a Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) plan if you don't intend on subsidising another phone. However, it's not possible to simply drop the subsidy (Plus15) from your existing plan. You would have to take an existing in-market BYOP plan. The new plans may have slightly different features compared to your current plan.


  You should be able to change your plan via My Account (see here).


Hope this helps Smiley



I'm helpful level 2
I'm helpful level 2

Forgive my delayed reply.


I was able to switch (online) to a BYOP plan.


Appreciate the assistance.

Thanks for the update, readytorock!