July 2020
Hi, I talked with an agent to freeze my account for 2 months (7$/month). I just received an email confirming the changes applied. But it is writtent that the 7$ is added to my total monthly fees (35$ + 7$). Can I please know why my 35$/month plan changed to 42$, instead of only having to pay 7$ starting next month ? How does this account freezing work?
July 2020
Hey @Mary30,
I'll be happy to clarify this for you
The amount you're referring to is the total amount before discounts. On the last page of the confirmation email you received you should see a Summary of Total Fees BEFORE discounts and underneath you should see a section called Promotions and Discounts where it would be indicated that the 100% of your monthly service fee will be discounted.
Rest assured that you will only be charged the suspension fee of $7+tax/mo for the duration of the temporary suspension.
I'm really sorry if the email created any confusion and I hope this helps!